
The blog all about Tugg the bull terrier puppy. Follow along for his daily pupdates and words of wisdom only a bull terrier super hero would come up with.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

DAY 722

DAY 722 pupdate on Tugg: Ajaxx watched Tugg as Tugg was busy designing his Team Tugg cycling jersey — all the while wearing his Spiderman jersey. Tugg held up different swatches of color and would hold up other next to them, then lay the colors of the drawings. After a few hours of watching this, Ajaxx said, "Hey, I want a jersey of my own too, eh! Can you stop working on yours for just a few minutes and help me do one? I kind of like the Spiderman one you're wearing, so make it look sort of like that, please." Tugg went to his closet and found a blank blue jersey, and took it out to the front porch. 

Tugg called for Ajaxx to come out and look. When he went onto the porch, Ajaxx noticed the jersey and a very realistic looking desert tarantula drawing right in the middle. Ajaxx said, "That is very cool, eh!" Then he picked up a small stick and started to act like he was drawing an outline. "Do you think maybe you could draw a Maple Leaf around it like..." We then heard the loudest, most girlie, sounding scream come from both Tugg and Ajaxx, as they jumped straight up into the air.
Ajaxx, between breaths, said, "You used a real spider!?"
Tugg answered, "I didn't know it would move!"
5 illustration today.

I was sketching out a few things today, because I want get just the right images on the bike jersey I design for Team Tugg, and I wanted to work out some ideas for doing a few original art sketch cards! When mommy and daddy saw this drawing on my drawing table in my art studio, they said I definitely have to put these on the jersey somewhere! So now I just need a few more, and I'll work up a final design!

Original Art Sketch Card: "Tugg, Ready to Ride" 

Original Art Sketch Card: "The Mobile Command Unit"

Original Art Sketch Card: "Independence Day"

Original Art Sketch Card: "Stage Winner"

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