
The blog all about Tugg the bull terrier puppy. Follow along for his daily pupdates and words of wisdom only a bull terrier super hero would come up with.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

DAY 840

DAY 840 pupdate on Tugg: 
Ajaxx walked down the hall, wearing a pink tutu, carrying a tray with a teapot, three cups and some cookies. Naturally, we followed to see what was going on.
In the living room, sitting at the small round table was Tugg, his new little someone special, and Ajaxx — all wearing pink tutus. Each had a teacup in front of them, and each picked up their own cup and took a sip. Tugg set the example and convinced everyone to hold out their pinky-paw while sipping the tea.
The trio saw us and Tugg said, "Oh, hi! She wanted to have a tea party, so we're having one! After we're done here we're going to practice our cheers for the bicycle ride Team Tugg is going to do on November 3rd! You know, the Team is riding in the Mineola Metric Century bicycle ride! Of course, anyone who is in the area and wants to ride too, can still register and ride! We'll cheer for them too!"
1 photo today.

I wuff you!

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