
The blog all about Tugg the bull terrier puppy. Follow along for his daily pupdates and words of wisdom only a bull terrier super hero would come up with.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

DAY 863

DAY 863 pupdate on Tugg: 
The phone rang, and Tugg flew through the house to answer it.
"Yes, this is Tugg."
"Oh, I didn't know I have a cousin with that name. Are you Ajaxx cousin too?"
"Uh-huh." "hmm" "probably" "uh..."
"Oh, well... OK?"
"bye bye!"
Since everyone had gathered around while Tugg was on the phone, after he hung up, Tugg looked at all of us and said, "Apparently we have a cousin we didn't even know about and his name is Ned. AND Ned is coming over to spend Thanksgiving with us."
Ajaxx said, "Oh, cool! I'll go and make sure there is another place set at the table, eh! I might have to build another leaf to fit in it!"
Tugg said, "Oh, better make that four extra places. Ned said he is bringing a few friends too."
2 photos today.

The nice mail lady came with another package today! My friends Barbara and Sadie sent Ajaxx and me a great Thanksgiving card and special St. Francis medals! We put them on our collars with our super hero badges! I am SO LUCKY to have such great friends like all of you!

The St. Francis medals my friends Barbara and Sadie sent are really cool, and on the back it says, "bless and protect my pet!" I think they go perfectly with our super hero badges!
Remember, tomorrow is the day before Thanksgiving, so that means you have to tell everyone you talk to that you wuff them! It's easy, just say, "I wuff you!" then smile and go on doing whatever you were doing!

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