
The blog all about Tugg the bull terrier puppy. Follow along for his daily pupdates and words of wisdom only a bull terrier super hero would come up with.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 200

DAY 200 pupdate on Tugg: Well, since everyone got a sneak peek, we guess it's OK to tell you that Tugg will be the cover dog and the pinup with story in the February issue of Texas Cats & Dogs Magazine. But, fame still hasn't gone to his head. Tugg dragged his tent fort back inside and played in it most of the day.
5 photos today.

I decided that today just needed to be a play day, so I took all of my tent fort stuff back inside where I could make a fort to play in! I made sure I stocked it with a bunch of toys so I could spend the whole day in it!

Here, I discuss what rope froggie will do during the next meeting I have with my super hero buddies, while Duckie chills out. Tent forts are super amazing. They can be any size you want, and make good temporary super hide outs!

You know how, sometimes when you're playing and you are having so much fun that you forget anyone else is around. And sometimes that other person that is around has a camera. Then you kind of do something goofy? You know how that feels? Yeah, that's how I felt too.

I also learned something today. I learned how to be invisible! It's one of my new super powers! Like in this photo, I'm being invisible. If I can't see you, and you're not looking at me, that makes me invisible!

It was a good day! One day, maybe I'll give you a tour of the super secret tent fort hideout, but you have to promise that you won't let any bad guys see the photos! Wait, what am I saying!? I can't risk evil doers seeing any of the inside of the tent fort! If you want to see it, you'll just have to come over and play in it with me!

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