
The blog all about Tugg the bull terrier puppy. Follow along for his daily pupdates and words of wisdom only a bull terrier super hero would come up with.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

DAY 203

DAY 203 pupdate on Tugg: We came home to find many crumpled pieces of paper in the studio and Tugg hard at work on a logo for LEASH. When we asked him if there was any that he liked, he said there were pieces on different ones. Then, we could almost see the lightbulb go on over his head. Hopefully he'll have one done by tomorrow — or the weekend.
1 photo today.

I started thinking about my maybe becoming an actor. One train of thought led to another, and if a stage director does not want to cast me, then perhaps a film director might be interested! So, since I might need to do some homework on the way screen actors ply their craft — and yes, I watched the SAG awards — I went to the movies! Oh, yes, you will see me on one of those posters one day — even if I have to draw it and hang it up there myself!

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